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Friday, December 29, 2006

The Circle of Weapons transfer to Terrorists : Here we go again

Up until now the Fatah terrorists have had to smuggle their weapons into the Palestinian- controlled territory. Prime Minister Olmert , constantly looking for ways to improve the terrorists' Israeli killing efficiency, has decided to make another "gesture," cut out the middle man so to speak. He is arraigning for them to get their weapons directly from Egypt. And to show their gratitude to the hapless Olmert, they have announced that they will circle back and used those weapons to kill Israelis. Such is the "Circle of life" in Israel under Olmert. And of course the last part of the circle is Ehud is making the same mistakes that Rabin and Peres made before him, falling into the rush to peace trap which will be followed by another wave of terror, isolation of the terrorists...etc.

Cutting out the Middle man:

Arutz Sheva. Reward for Smuggling: Arms Transferred Directly to Abu Mazen by Hillel Fendel

As a result of Hamas's unceasing arms-smuggling into Gaza, and with Israeli govt's full cooperation, Egypt gave 2,000 rifles to PA Fatah chief Abu Mazen. Likud: "The guns will be used against us."

Israel allowed the transfer as part of the gestures and restriction-easings Prime Minister Olmet promised Abu Mazen earlier this week.

Opposition Knesset Members fear the guns will ultimately be used against Israel. "Israeli soldiers and citizens will be killed by these weapons," said MK Yuval Shteinitz, a former chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

"We have not yet seen Abu Mazen determinedly fighting terrorism," Shteinitz said, "and the chances are greater that these weapons will be used against us."

The weapons - 2,000 Kalachnikovs, 20,000 magazines and two million bullets - are meant to strengthen the Fatah organization in its struggle with Hamas. Headed for Abu Mazen's Presidential Guard, the shipment had been waiting in Egypt for six months. Israel had refused to allow it to reach Gaza - until yesterday, when IDF Military Police accompanied the Egyptian shipment to a Gaza crossing.

Most ironically, Israel's consent to transfer the weapons stems from its inability to control the arms-smuggling through the Philadelphi Route alongside Rafah between southern Gaza and Egypt. Fatah leaders had reportedly complained that they were under-armed because Hamas controls most of the arms-smuggling into Gaza through tunnels under Rafah.

Those administers who disagree with Israel allowing the arms to get to Gaza are totally correct they WILL be used against Israel. How Can I be so sure? The terrorists have told us that they will.

Ynet News--Palestinian group: Egyptian arms will be used against Israel

The Popular Resistance Committees on Thursday warned that arms transferred by Egypt to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement will reach its operatives who will use them against Israel .

"We vow to show the Israelis very soon the weapons they lately channeled to the Presidential Guards and to the security services will be directed against the occupation," Muhammad Abdel Al, a spokesperson for the group said.

"In all the security services, including in the Presidential Guard, there are activists affiliated with all the Palestinian groups, including ours, and Hamas," he said.

He added that the members of the security services are known to have sold weapons to Palestinian armed factions.

"We vow that there will be no use (of these arms) in a civil war, as we promise that should these arms reach us we will use them against the occupation and the Zionist enemy," he said.

Saber Rattling? I don't think so as I reported a few weeks ago in Why Pick on Iran? Mr Abbas' Fatah party has been very active in killing Israeli civilians. Ronny Sofer wrote in Ynetnews that Olmert is falling into a Palestinian Trap. The same trap that Rabin did thirteen years ago.

Olmert's gift
Prime minister unwisely steps into trap laid out by Palestinian

Published: 12.28.06, 17:34

Olmert will apparently release prisoners to Abbas even before the release of abducted armored corps soldier Gilad Shalit. This is despite his past declarations to the contrary.

No, this is not a strategic policy change by the man who told Condoleezza Rice in Jerusalem on October 4 that he would not be releasing prisoners before the abducted soldier's release.

There's no surrender to blackmail on the part of the man who said in the Knesset, five days after the outbreak of the war, that he will bring the boys back home under terms that would not turn abductions into a norm. What we have here is Palestinian cunning and Olmert's desire to be the perfect host.

And here's the tale: The Palestinian trap for Olmert was laid in his own home, at his official Jerusalem residence

Abbas' and Olmert's aides prepared the meeting between the two in detail for months. The question of freeing Palestinian prisoners was the main controversy between Jerusalem and Ramallah. Abbas, who is familiar with his people's desires, wanted to see prisoners released. Olmert, who has the great burden of Shalit's release to contend with, refused to do so before Gilad returns to his Galilee home.

The meeting between the two was delayed due to the disagreement. However, the American and European pressure worked. Olmert's and Abbas' less than splendid status also made a difference.

Agreement was reached on the details, including the funds to be released, the removal of roadblocks, the upgrading of crossings, but not the issue of prisoner release. Olmert wanted Shalit before anything else, which Abbas was unable to provide. We know his relationship with Khaled Mashaal is not the best.

And so, Saturday night, Abbas and his entourage were received with kisses and the raising of the Palestinian flag at the prime minister's Jerusalem residence. While sitting around the nice-looking dinner table, Saeb Erekat raised the controversial issue.

He did this cunningly. He did not demand a total prisoner release. He only asked for a small gesture ahead of the upcoming Feast of Sacrifice, a sort of bonus to the wonderful friendship being formed around the table. Olmert, who went out of his way in order to show the world he is the perfect host, was facing a catch-22 situation.

He could have said no, and sent Abbas home frustrated and weak. He didn't want to do this, because then who would save both of them from Hamas? Olmert acted as a true host, and despite the embarrassment, told the Palestinians he will look into the issue

A day later he held a mini-survey at the government session. Peres, Peretz and Mofaz said "ok." Ynet's survey of ministers a day later showed that most government ministers back the gesture: 12 in favor as opposed to five objectors, five who are undecided, and two who did not provide a response.

As things stand now, Olmert will be releasing the prisoners as a gift to the Feat of Sacrifice for Abbas and his crafty men. Shalit, the soldier who was abducted while safeguarding the homeland, will continue to rot in Hamas captivity. I strongly suggest you read Sofer's entire piece here.

If you read any of the accounts of the "Oslo Process" that is how Arafat played Bill Clinton, Rabin and Peres, followed by Clinton and Barak. He would agree to something and then a day later come back and say he need just a "little" more. In my business that is called, negotiating in bad faith. It is what the Yassir the terrorist did, It is what Abbas the terrorist is doing, and in the end it will not lead to peace, it will lead to more death.

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