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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hamas-- Screw Idealogy..We are in it for the money!

It seems that the Palestinians firing rockets at children in Sedrot may have some ulterior motives. You see, they are not trying to kill kids just to make a political point, they are worse than that. They are murderers for Hire. No better than criminal hit men. Not fighting for a cause, they are fighting for the Clink, Clink of dollars in their pockets. "Freedom Fighters?" No---just sleazy profiters. The Gaza terrorists are trying to kill Israelis so they can get money from the Lebanese Terrorists. Isn't it nice when terrorists play nice together?

Hizbullah paying terrorists for Kassam attacks

By Herb Keinon and Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST

Dec. 28, 2006

Hizbullah is paying Palestinian splinter groups "thousands of dollars" for each Kassam rocket fired at the western Negev, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

According to Israeli intelligence information, Hizbullah is smuggling cash into the Gaza Strip and paying "a number of unknown local splinter groups" for each attack.

Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) sources said the Islamist organization paid several thousand dollars for each attack, with the amount dependent on the number of Israelis killed or wounded.

"We know that Hizbullah is involved in funding terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank," a security official said.

"Palestinian terrorists get thousands of dollars per attack. Sometimes they are paid before the attack and sometimes they submit a bill to Lebanon afterward and the money gets transferred a short while later."

According to the officials, while Islamic Jihad was behind most recent rocket attacks - including the one on Tuesday night that critically wounded 14-year-old Adir Basad in Sderot - several splinter terrorists groups are also involved and have received direct funding from Hizbullah.

According to security officials, Islamic Jihad gets the money via its headquarters in Damascus while Fatah's Tanzim terror group and the Popular Resistance Committees receive payment from Hizbullah in Lebanon.

All of the money originated in Iran, the officials said.

Maybe they just think they will be protected by the State Department, the same way that Arafat was. This document just released shows a "love affair" between Arafat and state (or at least a protection relationship) that goes all of the way back to the Nixon Administration. Hats off to Carl at Israel Matzav for finding this ditty. It seems that the terrorist Arafat ordered some hits on American Diplomats to try to derail the peace process before the Yom Kippur war.




In the early evening hours of 1 March 1973, eight Black September Organization (BSO) terrorists seized the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum as a diplomatic reception honoring
the departing United States Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) wasending. After slightly wounding the United States Ambassador and the Belgian Charge d'Affaires, the terrorists took these
officials plus the United States DCM, the Saudi Arabian Ambassador and the Jordanian Charge d'Affaires hostage. In return for the freedom of the hostages, the captors demanded the release
of various individuals, mostly Palestinian guerrillas, imprisoned in Jordan, Israel and the United States.

The Khartoum operation was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval of Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), andthe head of Fatah. Fatah representatives based in Khartoum participated in the attack, using a Fatah vehicle to transportthe terrorists to the Saudi Arabian Embassy.

Arafat? Can't be..wasn't he a peace maker? The French government loved him. Mike Wallace's good buddy Jimmy Carter's hero...the guy that Bill and Hillary over to the White House more than any foreign leader...That Arafat?

Initially, the main objective of the attack appeared to be to secure the release of Fatah/BSO leader Muhammed Awadh (Abu Da'ud) from Jordanian captivity. Information acquired subsequently reveals that the Fatah/BSO leaders did not expect Awadh to be freed, and indicates that one of the primary goals of the operation was to strike at the United States because
of its efforts to achieve a Middle East peace settlement which many Arabs believe would be inimical to Palestinian interests. Negotiations with the BSO terrorist team were conducted primarily by the Sudanese Ministers of Interior and of Health. No effort was spared, within the capabilities of the Sudanese Government, to secure the freedom of the hostages. The terrorists extended their deadlines three times, but when they became convinced that their demands would not be met and after they reportedly had received orders from Fatah headquarters in Beirut, they killed the two United States officials and the Belgian Charge. Thirty-four hours later, upon receipt of orders from Yasir Arafat in Beirut to surrender, the terrorists released their other hostages unharmed and surrendered to Sudanese authorities.

At the end of his life Arafat was considered a "moderate" just like his successor Abbas. Even though he killed American diplomats, Arafat's secrets were protected by the US State Department. Abbas' protection is more out in the open. How soon before Abbas returns the favor the same way that Arafat did?

1 comment:

directorblue said...

Coddling dictators and terrorist thugs... Clinton/Arafat, Clinton/Jong-Il, Carter/Chavez, Carter/Castro, Assad/Nelson, Assad/Kerry... you would think the Democrats would have started to detect some sort of pattern...

(Consider this a manual trackback)