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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Olmert's Jerry Lewis Strategy.

I think I finally figured out what the Olmert is doing, and frankly his strategy is brilliant. Like many others who love Israel, I was slamming poor Ehud at every turn. Then last night I sat down with my kids to watch the original "Nutty Professor" and it all came together, you see the PM is using the Jerry Lewis strategy. This is the strategy behind all of the Prime Minister supposed blunders, such continuing to ignore his military advisers. He ignored them with the cease fire, he ignores them with his policy of restraint and the release of terrorist prisoners and today he ignored them by calling for the removal of the roadblocks between Palestinian Territory and Israel.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert approved a proposal to remove 27 West Bank roadblocks during a meeting with Defense Minister Amir Peretz and senior security officials on Monday evening. (Jpost)

A statement from Olmert's office said that the prime minister approved streamlining checkpoints and removing roadblocks "to strengthen moderate (Palestinian) elements."

Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh said inspections would be eased at 16 checkpoints, and 27 unmanned roadblocks would be removed. Also, the Kerem Shalom and Karni crossings for people and cargo between Gaza and Israel would be upgraded "in order to accelerate the economy in Gaza to lessen the poverty and despair.

Earlier Monday, Military Intelligence's Research Division head Yossi Baidatz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that in a year, Israel would be faced with a much more significant threat due to an emboldened Hamas.

"Hamas is gaining from the cease-fire," Baidatz said. "They are continuing to smuggle, dig tunnels and exercise military maneuvers learned from Hizbullah; they are bolstering their ground defense systems, and they are getting help from Syria and Iran with their military plans. If this continues, we have to consider what the situation on the ground will look like in a year."

On Sunday night, the defense establishment was at odds over the proposal, submitted by Sneh, to remove West Bank checkpoints, contending that lifting the roadblocks would impair the IDF's ability to prevent terrorist attacks.

On Monday morning, however, Sneh brushed off the rejection, telling Army Radio that "there are always disagreements between those who want to take fewer risks and focus on security and those who are interested in lowering the friction and reducing the level of hate."

Voices were heard Monday evening in the Israel Defense Forces against the comprehensive plan to ease restrictions on the Palestinians. The plan was approved Monday afternoon during a discussion held at the prime minister's office, which was attended by senior defense establishment officials. It includes the removal of 27 roadblocks, a change in the criteria for the passage of people and good through crossings and an ease of restrictions on VIPs and international organizations.

Senior officials in the IDF, however, told Ynet on Monday evening that the ease of restrictions, mainly in the West Bank, should be carried out in a gradual and cautious manner. According to the sources, incidents in which terror organizations took advantage of the ease of restrictions in order to carry out attacks have already occurred in the past.

"We all hope that a terror attack will not take place as a result of this ease of restrictions, which will make the entire relief basket irrelevant," said one of the officers.

Some of you might read this and say this is another Olmert blunder, a giveback before negotiation that will make it easier to execute terrorist attacks within Israel.

The people who say that are wrong it is a a classic move in the Jerry Lewis strategy. Anyone who has ever seen a Jerry Lewis movie knows what I am talking about. The Jerry Lewis Character always acts so stupid that people ignore him until the end of the film, thats when he accidentally does something right to save the day. Olmert is doing the same thing. He is just acting like he doesn't know what he is doing. Soon he will do something right and save the day. Thats why the French love what Ehud is doing...the French just LOVE Jerry Lewis.

What proof do I have that I am right? Come on..lets face it, no one, not even an Idiot could do all the wrong things like Olmert is doing without trying to be wrong.... Could they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, atleast the Ethiopians get it.
I wonder if there will be any UN resolutions condemning them. Let's hope not.