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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Who Knew? Jesus was a Palestinian (even though there was no Palestine at the time)

I am not a student of Christian theology, but I have always heard from Christian friends that Jesus was a Jew. Hence all of those bumper stickers that say "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter." But over two thousand years of theology may have been wiped out by one newspaper article. You see the British newspaper, The Independent, has decided that Jesus was a Palestinian. What makes this an especially significant feat is that the Romans didn't change the name of the country to Palestine (actually Palestina) till after the Bar Kochba revolt, over 100 years after his death.

As reported in Ynet

UK newspaper: Jesus was a Palestinian

Anti-Israel article claims Christmas is celebration 'of birth pains of a Palestinian refugee in Bethlehem'

Yaakov Lappin

Published: 12.25.06, 21:23

An anti-Israel article , which appeared last week in a British newspaper, the Independent, claimed Christmas was a celebration of the "birth pains of a Palestinian refugee in Bethlehem" (Mary), before launching into an attack on Israel 's checkpoints in the West Bank.

According to the article, written by British columnist Johann Hari, during Christmas "a third of humanity will gather to celebrate the birth pains of a Palestinian refugee in Bethlehem - but two millennia later, another mother in another glorified stable in this rubble-strewn, locked-down town is trying not to howl."

It added: "Fadia Jemal is a gap-toothed 27-year-old with a weary, watery smile. 'What would happen if the Virgin Mary came to Bethlehem today? She would endure what I have endured,' she says." The article alleges that Jemal lost her baby due to a "road… blocked by Israeli soldiers, who said nobody was allowed to pass until morning."Quoting Jemal, the article added: "When I see the (Israeli) soldiers I keep thinking - what did my baby do to Israel?

Many Israeli moms have said the same thing when their children had their body parts scattered on a street because of a Palestinian homicide bomber. The difference is that the check points are there to prevent death. The bombers are trying to cause it.

Hari described Palestinian women as "21st century Marys" who were being "terrorized."Various commentators have said that elements in Europe hostile to Israel have begun to portray Jesus as a Palestinian, and ancient Judea as a Palestinian entity.The late Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat often denied that Jerusalem was the site of the Jewish temple, and described Jesus as a Palestinian.

Somehow I think that if Jesus WAS a Palestinian, he would not have strapped on a suicide bomb and blow up Naava Applebaum and her dad on the night before Naava's wedding. If Jesus was a Palestinian he wouldn't allow Qassams fired at Nursary Schools in Sedrot.

I believe that the Independant's take on Jesus' heritage is probably offensive to most of my Christian friends, they see Jesus as a man of peace, not a terrorist. They believe that Jesus saw the good in all humans. The writer of this article
Johann Hari, doesn't even see Israeli victims of terror, like Dr Applebaum and his daughter, as humans.


Jeremy Jacobs said...

The Independent is a vile lefty pro-Arab rag. I wouldn't even bother with it Y.

Anonymous said...

I did a bit of research and the dude that wrote that outlandish article, British columnist Johann Hari I couldn't find a place to comment back at that Jerk but I did find that this idiot Johann Hari has his own site but still have not found an email to him, I wanted so badly to jump on his case that I could taste it.

British columnist Johann Hari's Site

K. Shoshana said...

I really loathe these kind of articles because they always miss the obvious. If Mary & Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem today without protection of the IDF, the Palestinians would kill them in cold blood, just like countless other Jews who have wandered unprotected into Arab palestinian areas.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. The Nazis claimed that Jesus was an Aryan. Of course, there is no such thing as an Aryan...