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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Those Wacky Palestinians Really Know How to Throw a Cease-Fire !

Those "peace loving" Palestinians really know how to throw a cease-fire. The same way some Israeli soccer teams throw a football match. Overnight the Palestinians broke not one, but TWO Cease-Fires. The one with Israel and the One with each other:

Three Palestinian missiles explode on Israeli side of Gaza border Wednesday. No one hurt The first landed near Mefalsim, the second and third in Sderot and Kibhutz Erez. PM Ehud Olmert said in Jerusalem that Israel cannot stay passive much longer in the face of these attacks. More than 30 missiles have been fired at Israeli civilian locations since the purported ceasefire declared by Palestinian armed groups last month.On the West Bank, two armed Jihad Islami operatives, a Palestinian group sponsored by Iran, were killed resisting Israeli arrest near Jenin. The were about to execute a homocide attack.

Tuesday, hours after the cease-fire deadline. 4 Fatah and one Hamas gunmen died in ongoing clashes in the Gaza Strip. Three were killed in combat. The bodies of two kidnapped Fatah members were found abandoned. Hamas mounted a mortar-anti-tank rocket assault on Fatah’s General Intelligence HQ in Jebalya, northern Gaza, after a Hamas gunman was seized. The two sides are also battling for control of ministerial offices in Gaza
There was no word from the Mormon Church whether the five dead would receive one of their post-mortem baptisms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Mormons should offer their services for Arafat and the Ayatollah Khomeini. Why that wasn't in the Baker-Hamilton report is a mystery to me. I just think that it is time for some serious out of the box thinking.
If they have no problem converting Simon Wiesenthal, then they should offer to convert the man on the other side, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni.