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Saturday, January 20, 2007


UH-OH We are ALL in trouble now. According to the Jerusalem Post, Egypt is going after bloggers who insult Islam.
Egypt tries blogger who 'insulted Islam'

An Egyptian blogger went on trial Thursday on charges of insulting Islam and inciting sectarian strife for his Internet writing criticizing Muslim authorities and the Egyptian government, his lawyer and court officials said.....

His lawyer, Radwa Sayed Ahmed, said Nabil had been held in solitary confinement, forbidden visits from his family and lawyers. In Thursday's brief court session, "he didn't look good," she told the Associated Press from court in the port city of Alexandria.

Why is this a problem? Because this week many of my favorite blogs wrote posts that wonderful--relevant-- insightful and even funny, but they weren't exactly "politically correct when it came to the "religion of peace". I have only been part of this Jblog world a few months but I would hate to see some of my newfound blog friends rotting away in an Egyptian prison.

Take for example, Bagel Blogger , this week he wrote a post suggesting that bigoted radical Muslims should be Put them on the first plane out of here: Radical Muslims need a Radical Solution Just think what they will do with that one in Egypt.

When Pamela at Atlasshrugs wrote Praise be Upon Allah and Sex Slaves she was trying to show us some of the abolutely inhuman advice that Muslim Clerics give their flock. I just hope that the Egyptian Police does not know where she lives.

A few years ago, Egypt's state-run TV did a bigoted mini-series of the Protocals of the Elder's of Zion. That might make it even harder for the blogging Elder of Zion, because they ain't going to like his expose' on Islamic morality, Iran's state-run prostitution and slavery ring.

Yael at Boker Tov Boulder may want to hide in the mountains, because if the Egyptians find out that she has revealed the secrets of theThe Arab Lobby they might just come after her.

If the Egyptain Blog Police read Soccer Dad's post asking if Can CAIR Get Sensitivity Training For Islamists? I just hope they wait for the end of the season. After all the kids need a soccer coach.

Hosni Mubarak's bullies will be hunting for the Right Truth because of her post Political correctness and multiculturalism gone bad

Even protecting your own can get you in trouble. "Reb Martin" of Solomonia's piece on Anti-Semitism in Arab Media may cause him to go under cover for a while.

Carl, Beware of Egyptians bearing gifts, because if they have read your post Christians fleeing the Arab world on your blog Israel Matzav , the gift might be a trap.

Folks I encourage you all to read these posts, not because of their exceptional quality but so you know what you can and cannot write about if you want to stay in the good graces of the Egyptian Blog Police.

Best Of Yidwithlid Posts from 1/14-19

A Quartet of Human Rodents on Groundhog Day

CALM DOWN !!--Peace is NOT at hand!!

DERSHOWITZ TO WIPE THE FLOOR WITH JIMMY CARTER: with links to the:Jimmy Carter is a.....Series

Daniel Pearl's Dad in Today's NY Times: Keep an Eye on Al Jazeera English

Did the RJC Ad Go Too Far?: Wesley Clark and Jewish Issues

There is no "THE" in UN Resolution 242: CAMERA gets it straght from the Drafter's Mouths

Israel to Produce Oil at 25 Dollars a Barrel

Congress Has NO GUTS and that's Very Good For America


Anonymous said...


I found your site through Atlas Shrugs and truly enjoy your blog. I have added it to my blogroll. I would have emailed you however I found no link.

Anonymous said...

Getting sued should be a concern for all bloggers. But in the United States I think we are safer than in most places. We need to make sure that what we print is (1) accurate, (2) referenced, and that our opinion and commentary is clearly that, ours.

On blogs we have a right to our own thoughts and feelings.

Having said all that, the enemy is learning quickly that hacking our sites isn't enough. They are learning how to use our own freedoms and our own laws against the infidels. Also they have learned that the Left in this country usually sides with the enemy and not with the rest of us. They use this also.

We need to continue to speak the truth, but be cautious. The Pelosi leadership already wants to clamp down on blogs and other forms of media who encourage readers to contribute to political causes. (I don't have the reference right here, but you could Google it)

Right Truth

Anonymous said...

p.s. Media Bloggers Association can help bloggers know their rights and understand how to get legal help if needed. Google it.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to send you a trackback since I did a write-up on this referencing you. Since I could not I will leave you the link here. Thanks again for the heads up on this one!

Anonymous said...

Amnesty International said that political prisoners in Egypt are subject to "ill-treatment" such as torture. But that report was written in 1997. Maybe it's gotten better. Ya think?