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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Haveil Havalim #123 - the "Take me out to the Ballgame" edition

Rafi G. is one of the nicest people I have met in the blog world. He is full of knowledge and I really enjoy his blog, Life in Israel.

This week's Haveil Havalim #123 is exceptional reading---featuring the very best of the Jewish blogisphere. Rafi did a great job picking creating an all star team of blog posts. I would be avoiding my responsiblity if I did not point out the one mistake in Rafi's character . He is a follower of the Chicago Cubs. I just don't understand him. There is only one baseball team that celebrates the Jewish holidays---the number one team in baseball. Read Haveil Havalim # 123 at Raffi's site and try not to think about his poor choice in baseball teams.


Rafi G. said...

thanks.. but they always play on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. How can you say they celebrate the jewish holidays???? The Cubs never do, so a Jewish sports fan should be a fan of the Cubbies, not the Yankees.

Unknown said...

They Yankees?OMG That would be a Shandah..these are the Mets