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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New European Survey: They Still Hate the Jooze

Too often the ADL focus' on political issues such as immigration and abortion but when Abe Foxman direct his organization to the task it was formed for it does a great job. For example they they just conducted a survey in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom and guess what--they hate us--they really hate us. These European countries believe the old stereotypes that Jews control the banks, talk too much about the Shoah and we are more loyal to Israel about our own countries. It seems that all of that anti-Semitic rantings of these governments, all of the dehumanization of Israelis has finally taken hold.

ADL Survey In Six European Countries Finds Anti-Semitic Attitudes Up

Attitudes Toward Jews

•Overall, half of those surveyed in the six countries believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their own country, with a majority of respondents in Austria, Belgium, Hungary and the United Kingdom saying they believe that this statement is "probably true."

•High levels of those surveyed across Europe still believe in the traditional anti-Jewish canard that "Jews have too much power in the business world." Overall, nearly 35% of all respondents believe this stereotype to be true; in Hungary it is 60%.

•Similarly, European respondents still adhere to the notion that "Jews have too much power in international financial markets." Overall, 35% of those surveyed cling to the traditional stereotype, in Hungary it is 61%.

•Large portions of the European public continue to believe that Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust. Overall, 44% of those surveyed believe it is "probably true." A majority of respondents in Austria, and Hungary believe it to be true.

•Overall, 20% of those surveyed continue to blame Jews for the death of Jesus.

•Overall, 23% of respondents say that their opinion of Jews is influenced by the actions taken by the State of Israel. Of those whose opinions are so influenced, nearly two-thirds -- 64% -- say that their opinion of Jews is worse as a result of the actions taken by Israel.

Attitudes Toward Israel

•Overall, attitudes toward Israel have changed only slightly since 2005. Respondents in Belgium (35% up from 26%), The Netherlands (39% up from 28%), Switzerland (33% up from 27%) and the United Kingdom (30% up from 27%) now view Israel more favorably, while Israel's favorability rating has dropped in Austria (20% down from 31%) and Hungary ( 17% down from 22%).

•When asked to think about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict levels of sympathy for the Israelis have increased in every country. Sympathy for the Palestinians has decreased in every country, except Belgium (31% up from 28%) and the United Kingdom (32% up from 27%).

Country by Country Findings on Anti-Semitic Attitudes

In responding "probably true" to the statement, "Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country," the 2007 survey found:

Austria – 54% up from 38% in 2005
Belgium –54% up from 41%
Hungary – 50% up from 37%
The Netherlands –46% up from 36%
Switzerland – 44% up from 38%
The United Kingdom – 50% up from 39%

In responding "probably true" to the statement, "Jews have too much power in the business world," the 2007 survey found:

Austria – 37%, up from 24% in 2005
Belgium – 36%, up from 33%
Hungary – 60% up from 55%
The Netherlands – 11% down from 18%
Switzerland – 41%, up from 26%
The United Kingdom – 22% up from 14%

In responding "probably true" to the statement "Jews have too much power in international financial markets," the 2007 survey found:

Austria – 43%, up from 33% in 2005
Belgium – 40%, up from 33%
Hungary – 61% up from 55%
The Netherlands – 14% down from 19%
Switzerland – 40%, up 30%
The United Kingdom –21% up from 16%

In responding "probably true" to the statement "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust," the 2007 survey found:

Austria – 54%, up from 46% in 2005
Belgium – 43%, up from 41%
Hungary –58% up from 46%
The Netherlands – 31%, down from 34%
Switzerland – 45%, down from 48%
The United Kingdom – 28% no change

To read the full results click here

1 comment:

Michael Travis said...

Foxman is hardly a friend of Israel.....he is merely a leftard opportunist.

Thankfully Ol' Abe and his group are virtually unknown in my country (Israel)...his anti-Israel remarks ("Israel should not monitor the anti-semite press--that's our job" [He was told to mind his own business and shut up by our government])would be an embarrassment.

Our hope is with our friends in the Diaspora...not with self-appointed dictators.

(Actually, I used to be a great fan of the ADL, my family gave them over a million dollars....that was before I realised that they were exclusively for American consumption...and held only contempt for the Israeli people.)
