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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Divide Jerusalem OR ELSE: Condi Rice

It was just last week that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that she wouldn't pressure Israel into a deal. Now it seems that statement was just another lie from Ms. Rice. Apparently Rice has told Prime Minister Olmert that Jerusalem MUST be divided---if not she will personally blame Israel for the break up of the "peace talks."

Rice: No Jewish building in eastern city
Says she'll push Israel to divide capital, blame Olmert if he doesn't comp

By Aaron Klein

Condoleezza Rice

JERUSALEM Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in the region to prepare for an Israeli-Palestinian summit next month, told Palestinian officials yesterday she would pressure Israel against initiating any Jewish construction in eastern sections of Jerusalem, a senior Palestinian negotiator involved in talks with Rice told WND.

The Palestinian negotiator stated Rice singled out Jerusalem areas as becoming part of a future Palestinian state and told his negotiating team she would publicly blame Israel for the failure of next month's U.S.-sponsored summit slated to be held in Maryland if the Jewish state didn't agree to evacuate eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods.

The information follows a flurry of media reports last week Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was contemplating handing over sections of Jerusalem to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization.

Vice Premier Haim Ramon, a member of Olmert's ruling Kadima party, last week reportedly mapped out a future partition of Jerusalem under a deal with the Palestinians.

Ramon was quoted by the popular Ynet Israeli website as writing in a letter to Jerusalem City Councilman Nir Barkat that under his plan, "The Jewish neighborhoods (of Jerusalem) will be recognized as Israeli and under Israeli sovereignty. Accordingly, the Arab neighborhoods will be recognized as Palestinian. Passages between the Israeli neighborhoods will be open and secure accordingly the same will be true for the Palestinian neighborhoods."

According to Ramon's reported plan, "There will be special sovereignty over the holy sites, taking into account Israel's unique interests in overseeing them. Within this framework, the Western Wall, the Jewish Quarter and other holy sites in the Jerusalem vicinity will remain under Israeli rule forever."

Ramon's letter as quoted did not single out the fate of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.

Knesset Member Otniel Schneller, a Kadima party colleague of Olmert and Ramon known for his close relationship to the prime minister, claimed the plan violated the Kadima's platform.

But WND first reported in 2006 it was Schneller who first floated a Kadima plan for dividing Jerusalem.

"The Old City, Mount Scopus, the Mount of Olives, the City of David, Sheikh Jarra will remain in our hands, but [regarding] Kafr Akeb, Abu-Ram, Shuafat, Hizma, Abu-Zaim, Abu-Tur, Abu Dis, in the future, when the Palestinian state is established, they will become its capital," said Schneller at the small Jerusalem debate in May 2006, covered by WND.

Days later, Schneller gave an interview to the Associated Press in which he stated "We will not divide Jerusalem, we will share it."

The Kadima lawmaker told AP most Jerusalem neighborhoods with large Arab populations would be given to the Palestinians.

"Those same neighborhoods will, in my assessment, be central to the makeup of the Palestinian capital ... al-Quds," said Schneller, calling Jerusalem by its Arabic name.

Rice arrived in the region yesterday reportedly to help the Israeli and Palestinian sides formulate a joint statement ahead of November's conference.

Palestinian leaders want the statement to specifically outline a Palestinian state including the Gaza Strip, West Bank and parts of Jerusalem, while Olmert officials have been quoted in recent days stating they prefer more vague commitments.

'Olmert will forfeit Temple Mount'

According to senior Palestinian negotiators, Olmert's team expressed willingness multiple times to divide Jerusalem and place the Temple Mount under pan-Arab control.

WND in August quoted PA sources stating Olmert's office presented the Palestinians a formal plan in which the Jewish state would forfeit the Temple Mount to Muslim control under the joint management of Egypt, Jordan and the PA.

The sources said Olmert's plan called for the entire Temple Mount plaza to fall under Arab sovereignty; Jerusalem's Old City holy sites near the Mount to be governed by a Jewish, Christian and Muslim task force; and the Western Wall plaza below the Mount to be controlled by Israel.

David Baker, a spokesman for Olmert, would neither confirm nor deny the prime minister offered the Temple Mount.


Campaign to save Jerusalem, the capital of Israel From Israpundit

“If I forget thee, Oh Jerusalem…”

By Elyakim Haetzni

The Quartet, into whose hands Sharon and his government entrusted our destiny, convened in New York to ensure that the conference – obliquely referred to as “the Peace Conference” by the hostile Israeli media - will force Israel to assume irrevocable legal and international obligations that nullify our rights to the heritage of our forefathers in the Land of Israel. This goal is to be attained, in diametrical opposition to the conditions stipulated even in the pernicious Roadmap, by reversing the order of these conditions. First, the establishment of a Palestinian State as an irreversible political fact, and then, “Inshallah”, this Palestinian State will dismantle the terrorist organizations (Abu-Mazen will dissolve the Hamas in Gaza!…), collect their arms etc., etc. etc.


Natan Sharansky of One Jerusalem is leading the charge. Please go to their site and sign the Petition.


At this second Munich in Annapolis, Olmert intends to establish a Palestinian State regardless of the fact that there has been no cessation in the Kassams launched from Gaza, that the bomb belts keep finding their way to Tel-Aviv, and that battles rage in the areas surrounding the Gaza Strip and within Judah and the Shomron. The conference will continue to pursue its agenda, impervious to the non-stop flow of arms through the southern border, breached thanks to the disengagement. The USA’s Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, too, who does not even bother hiding her unreserved identification with the Arabs, visits Israel for the purpose of ensuring that the Palestinian entrapment will be irremediable.

Do not buy the illusion that the conference is not a serious matter, and “nothing will come out of it”. Those placating us require this illusion in order to justify, to others as well as to themselves, their absence of motivation and the depletion of their energy.

The silence emanating from the settlers and the remnants of the national camp is not merely inactivity; it has a tangible negative effect. It radiates, both internally and externally, that there is no one to oppose the historical catastrophe about to be inflicted upon us – the public surrender by the Jewish people of its homeland, and the total eradication of all Jewish life in the land of the Bible.

This negativity creates its own momentum, exponentially enhancing the power of the destroyers.

When Ehud Barak planned to divide Jerusalem, the biggest demonstration in the history of the State of Israel took place. More than 400,000 demonstrators crowded together, from the foot of the Tower of David up to the entrance of Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. An atmosphere of crisis, a determination to save the Holy City of Jerusalem, enveloped all those present. One of the speakers was Judge Moshe Landau, the former President of the Supreme Court.

Why hasn’t such a demonstration taken place yet in light of this new threat? Most probably because the failure to thwart the destruction of the 25 settlements, and to prevent the expulsion of the settlers, instilled a belief that democratic protests would not change anything.

But this attitude is a mistake. It is true that demonstrations, instead of active resistance while criminal ethnic cleansing by a government is taking place, is no more than a joke; not so huge demonstrations on the eve of governmental decisions, which are a necessary foundation for further actions. They are also essential to put pressure on the MKs of Shas, Yisrael Beitaynu and the indifferent MKs of the Likud. After all, the participants in the demonstrations are their voters, who could retaliate at the polls.

We’ve lost precious time, but it is not too late. We have a few weeks before the gates to the Land of Israel are, God Forbid, irrevocably locked. The following are some of my thoughts, and you are all welcome to add to them.

My proposals

1. Jerusalem must be at the heart of the campaign, the Holy City that still elicits deep feelings in the hearts of most Jews. The words “If I forget you, O Jerusalem” shall be the campaign’s motto, displayed on banners ( orange – two blue stripes with “If I Forget Thee” between them), stickers, badges, and bracelets. The prevention of the division of Jerusalem has the extra benefit that it will deadlock the talks over any other part of Eretz Israel.

2. We will paint the streets that Olmert has designated to be the borders between Jewish and “Palestinian” Jerusalem. To accentuate the message, signs, displaying “Border in front of you” and “Warning, you may be shot from the top of the walls”, shall be hung up along these streets.

3. Brochures and signs will be positioned on Mount of Olives warning: “This area is to be transferred to the Arabs: Where are the dead to be transferred?”

4. Signs will be put up in front of the District Court and the Ministry of Justice on the Salah-a-din street in Jerusalem: “Residence the Palestinian Temple of Justice”.

5. Posters and brochures to be distributed on Mount Zion and David\s city ( Ssilwan) displaying: “The Zionist State is relinquishing Zion to the enemy”.

6. Posters shall be hung up in the Old City: “To be delivered to Foreign rule!”
7. Applying pressure on the Attorney General, Mazuz, to stop the dawdling in the processing all the criminal cases still pending against Olmert. At any rate, to prevent Olmert from taking decisive political decisions while the criminal charges are hanging over his head. Distributing stickers and posters underscoring Olmert’s corruption.

8. Pickets in front of the “Orient House” which is about to be returned to the P.L.O.,thereby initiating the Palestinian takeover of East Jerusalem. Likewise, before all other P.L.O. offices which Olmert intends to reopen.

9. Patrols in front of the “President’s Residence” under the motto: “Peres divides Jerusalem and “The last president of the independent State of Israel.”

10. Patrols in front of Olmert’s house: Signs displaying the names of his criminal cases, as well as :“He who forgets Jerusalem, shall forget his right hand”.

11. Distribute at the Kotel HaMaravi/Wailing Wall notes to be placed between the stones with wishes such as: “Repeal the evil decree to deliver the Kotel into captivity, our heritage to strangers”.

12. Distribute leaflets to drivers on the roads to Jerusalem warning of the imminent division of Jerusalem.

13. Demonstrate at the location (in the hills of Jerusalem) where the huge atomic shelter, designated for senior government officials, is being built. Brandish signboards: Stop building. It’s a waste of money. Who needs shelter 2 kms from the border?

14. Distribute posters, leaflets and brochures in Sderot and the Western Negev: “Relax, you’re not alone anymore! Jerusalem and even Tel-Aviv will soon be border cities, just like Sderot!”

15. Apply pressure on Netanyahu, Lieberman, and the leaders of Shas: “Your silence makes you collaborators.”

16. Distribute leaflets in Arabic in the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem detailing what they can expect under a PLO-Hamas regime.

17. Conduct a poll in the Arab population in Jerusalem, and publish the results.

18. Conduct a public trial against those planning to divide Jerusalem.

19. Sign up hundreds of thousands on a petition opposing the division of Jerusalem (use the internet , newspaper ads): “A National Rollcall”.

20. Conduct a public opinion poll: Do you support or oppose the division of Jerusalem?

21. Demonstrations in front of the municipality, demanding that the fathers of the city make clear statements as to their position.

22. Utilize the Internet for a worldwide campaign, faxes, telephone, and letters to the editor, call up radio programs etc.

23. Distribute leaflets against Ramon: “You destroyed the Histadrut, you destroyed your Party, you destroyed Israel’s medical system, and now you seek to destroy Israel”.

24. Establish the “Order of the Troublers of Israel” to whom medals will be awarded, such as: “Destroyer of Jerusalem” medal, “Expulsion medal”, “Kassam medal”, “Defeat medal”, “Terrorist Palestine medal”. The reasons for awarding such medals will be made clear to the “winners” in appropriate ceremonies.

The above points relate to the field work that is a pre-requisite for the huge hundreds of thousands demonstration, to take place at the Tower of David, which shall be the apex of the campaign.

The goal of all these efforts is to force Shas, Yisrael Beitaynu and MKs from other parties to bring down the government by dissolving the coalition.

At the same time, a similar campaign, using other means, shall be initiated abroad. Inter alia, demonstrations in front of Israel’s embassies and consulates under the placard: “If I forget thee, Oh Jerusalem…”, a reminder of other days, when Jews stood in front of Soviet embassies with banners:” Let My People Go!”

For those skeptics who ask where the money will come from, I would like to point out that when the issue is urgent, lights fire in peoples’ bones, and a feasible plan is presented – money too will become available.

It is a time for action!!

1 comment:

Robert said...

The Bush administration demands division of Israel last week; devastating wildfires this week.