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Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama is a Man of Faith-Thats how you know HE's LYING

Senator Barak Obama Says he is a Man of Faith and I believe him. If you go to your church or synagogue only a few times a year you will never understand. Only people of faith can totally understand the relationship between a person of faith and their spiritual mentor. They are more that a preacher. They are our teachers our confidants our friends and family, they set the bar that we try to emulate with our lives.

For those of you who are regulars at the Church of your Faith you know how deeply we listen to the sermons and teaching of our spiritual leaders. Jeremiah Wright Jr. has been spewing his hatred for decades, and as Obama's spiritual adviser for twenty years he has had a major influence on shaping his thoughts and morals. Thats why the Senator's statements on Fox are so hard to believe:

None of these statements were ones I had heard myself personally in the pews,” Obama told FOX News. “Once I saw them I had to be very clear about the fact that these are not statements that I am comfortable with. I reject them completely they are not ones that reflect my values or my ideals.”

A video of the entire interview Follows:

Ladies and Gentleman Barak Obama is campaigning as a "New Politician." the words said on Hannity last night are problematic if he wants to maintain that image. As a regular church goer, he is most probably lying about never hearing one of Wright's offensive sermons. The horrible sermon about 9/11 being America's fault was given the first Sunday after 9/11, a man of faith like Obama (and I believe him when he says that) would have been in Church that Sunday. Obama saying that he never heard one of Wright's sermons is the equivalent of Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

More than being a liar --Barak Obama has come back to earth--he is just like everyone else.Obama is a False Messiah just like Shabbatai Tzvi the 17th century Jew who claimed that he was the Messiah until he recanted and converted to Islam to avoid a death sentence from the Sultan. The Senator has denied HIS faith and threw his spiritual leader under the bus-- not to prevent his execution, but to continue faking the public--and that is even more disgusting

Astute Blogger has proof that Obama has heard Wright's Hate Speech (he quotes one is his book) and Atlas Shrugs has so much more on the story


Christian Prophet said...

It's not about the pastor. If Obama's THEOLOGY is seen for what it is the election is lost. See:

Anonymous said...

That's exactly what I've been screaming! We also know about tithing. Can you imagine how much money the Obamas have doled out to this church?

djeddy said...

The truth will set you free!
I have not trusted this "Obama" since the first day I laid eyes on him. If Hillary loses, I turn Republican. It's that simple.
No wonder his wife is finally "proud". Well, I am proud to be a Rhode Islander!!!