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Friday, August 22, 2008

British Boycott Israel Union Promotes David Duke

The UCU, Great Britain's University Academics Union makes the claim that there is no anti-Semitism behind their campaign to exclude Israeli academics from the country. They say these boycotts are directed only against Israel, rather than generally against Jews. But given the history of the attacks on Israel and the oppressiveness and aggressiveness of other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, boycotting Israel indicates that they have a moral blindness for which it is hard to find any explanation other than anti-Semitism. And if to prove the point, they are now using David Duke's Website to support their hateful position.

Added by David Hirsh on August 22, 2008 03:40:50 PM.
UCU circulates a link to David Duke's website - David HirshYesterday Jenna Delich, a UCU member, wrote the following message on the activist list in order to support a colleague who was arguing in favour of a boycott of Israeli academics:

In support to your link this may be a long but also an interesting reading:
No comment necessary. The facts are speaking for themselves.

The website to which she links is the website of David Duke, who is a well known right wing antisemite and a former leader of the Klu Klux Klan.

Jenna Delich's emails on the activist list have already been subject to two formal complaints to the union. The UCU process judged that the evidence was not persuasive. Now the UCU is circulating links to David Duke’s website on behalf of Delich.

Antisemitism within the UCU started to become a serious problem when people in the union began to support the campaign to exclude Israelis from British universities as a protest against Israeli human rights abuses. This campaign has dominated academic union Congresses in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

It is an antisemitic campaign. There is no proposal to boycott any academics from any country other than Israel. It seeks to exclude a significant proportion of the world’s Jewish academics. It treats Israel as though it was a unique evil in the world and as though it was an illegitimate state.

Predictably the campaign for this antisemitic exclusion creates an antisemitic atmosphere within the union. The boycotters maintain that anyone who raises the issue of antisemitism does so in bad faith in order illegitimately to protect Israel from boycott, so the standard way of relating to Jews within the union is to treat them as though they are conspiratorial and dishonest.

The email list within the union which links about 700 activists. Any union member may subscribe and the activist list is administrated and monitored by the union. You can see the kinds of things which pass for comradely and antiracist debate on the list by following this link. Antisemitism is routinely tolerated on the activist list when it is expressed in the language of hostility to Israel. Only a small group of Jews and antiracists have been standing up against this culture on the list. Some have been excluded from the list on trumped up charges. Others have been driven off the list by continual accusations of bad faith. Others have left the union because they cannot bear to pay their dues to what they consider to be an antisemitic organization.

People associated with Engage made a number of formal complaints to the union about what was happening on the activist list. Some made complaints about the rhetoric of particular activists. Some made complaints about institutional antisemitism more generally. No complaint was upheld by the union. The General Secretary and the member of staff responsible for the activist list have been found to have acted entirely responsibly and the union inquiries did not find that an antisemitic atmosphere had developed.

One of the formal complaints was made against Jenna Delich for the way in which she wrote about ‘Zionists’ in the union. This formal complaint was judged by the union to be unfounded and no action was taken against her.


IsraeliGirl / said...

Perhaps the UCU should learn from Winston Churchill who said: "When it is asked what is meant by the development of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, it may be answered that it is not the imposition of a Jewish nationality upon the inhabitants of Palestine as a whole, but the further development of the existing Jewish community, with the assistance of Jews in other parts of the world".

Anonymous said...

Yeah, or maybe they should just keep voting Labor and letting their country be overrun by the Muslim hordes so they can find out for themselves what Islam means, how all Muslims are always 'victims' (of themselves, their delusions, and their insane supremacist beliefs which only worked for a culture of Bedouin Arabs in the 7th century and even they could only survive through parasitism and plunder), how they're the most insanely entitled people and yet they collect welfare and don't pay taxes (being incapable of upward mobility even in the free world), how much respect those 'Palestinians' and their Muslim cohorts have for civilization and the law of the land which is based in reason and humanistic values, and how you can always beat them in war, but they just keep breeding like rats and raping and murdering little infidel girls and considering themselves 'honorable.' I mean, since they'll apparently never understand that there never was a 'Palestine' and that the term 'Palestinian' is the only case of a people who were named by folks from another country (Rome), and which only referred to trespassers in Israel. 'Palestinian' literally means 'uncivilized, idiotic, ignorant parasites.' Except the British can't beat them in war like the Israelis did 4 times. England is a horribly anti-Semitic place. Obviously, since they can't understand that Islam is incredibly racist and so are they, and yet they have the nerve to call Israelis 'racist' Here are some lovely Islamic teachings on tolerance:

-The female body is regarded as offensive and must be covered showing at most only the face and hands (or else –cat’s meat!!). 'Woman' and 'vagina' are the same word in Arabic. So is 'modesty,' btw, so it's their 'vagina' that they're really supposed to guard, which is everything but their eyes.

-Child marriage/paedophilia is allowed, encouraged, and idealized. You can rape a baby as young as 1 day old per a fatwa from 1994 by Ayatollah Khmoeini.

-Mohammad in the hadith and Arab shafi’i Law mandate clitoridectomy.

-Men can beat women and plough them like fields. Verse 2.223 says "your vaginas [often falsely translated as women or wives] are a tilth unto you; enter them as you wish." It then goes on to define 'your vaginas' as 'your bought vaginas ('wives,' since 'wife' means 'that which is penetrated' and 'marriage contract' is 'permission to penetrate'), your slaves (stolen vaginas), your daughters and your sisters. Incest is perfectly halal (obviously, since the Muslim world has roughly 50% consanguinity), but even within the nuclear family women/girls are sex slaves.

-Men can have multiple wives and divorce them at will (no such rights for females). Actually they 'repudiate' them. As in, 'hey tapeworm sex slave, pimped away by your own father at age 11 for a pack of gum to me, your 75-year-old cousin or half-brother, you're fired.'

-Men can restrict women to the home and only allow them out if veiled.

-Males and females must be segregated unless mixing with their family or spouse because women have no business being out in public, including in school or at work.

-Females are described as inferior in every way, coming and going in the shape of devils, populating hell, dirtier than dirt, below camels on the food chain, domestic animals, crooked, full of guile, bad omens, in every way genetically inferior, polluting, impure, fornicators, temptresses....

-Females must be available for use (rape) by their husband (slave-owners) at any time.

-Slavery (including the current enslavement of black African Muslims in the Sudan, as well as people of many nationalities in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, etc.) and taking the goods and land of non-Muslims is allowed—booty. 'Slave' and 'black person' are the same word in Arabic.

-Sex with slaves (including married ones) is allowed for Muslim men. Mohammad gave females to his friends to enjoy

-A woman’s word is worth less than a man’s and doesn’t over-ride a man’s.

-Females inherit less than males

Let’s not forget Islam’s lovely attitude to non-Muslims:

-Don’t be friends with Jews or Christians or allah will reject you.

-When you meet an infidel cut off his head...

-Slay the idolators wherever you find them..

-Fight until all the religion is allah’s etc, etc

-Kill apostates (who of course become members of other religions or atheists—more Islamic tolerance)

And the incredible racism:

-Mohammad is a white man.

-Arabs are the best of people.

-Mohammad had black slaves and likened a dream of a black woman to an epidemic. He also called black people 'raisinheads,' 'Allah's dumbest creatures ' (but still several notches above infidels) and compared them to feces.

-Kill the Jews.

-Kill the Turks and people with flat faces and small eyes ..

-At judgement, people with white faces go to paradise but those with black faces go to hell.

Horrendous laws for dhimmis - mainly Jews and Christians, who are allowed to live as 3rd class citizens, subjugated under vile Islamic laws and who made 97% of all the contributions of Islam's 'Golden Age' along with many brilliant Hindus, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians:

-Dhimmis must pay the jizya tax being humbled, humiliated and tapped on the neck to remind them that they will be beheaded if they dare step out of line.

-No building of religious sites or openly practising their religion.

-No authority over Muslims.

-No weapons.

-Dhimmi houses must be smaller and lower than Muslim houses.

-Dhimmis have to dress differently.

-Dhimmi testimony is not valid against a Muslim.

-Dhimmis must be humble in front of Muslims, give up their seat etc...

-Dhimmis must house and feed Muslim soldiers

European Bosnia had dhimmis as late as the mid-20th century.

Esther, who runs Islam in Europe, is a British Jew and because of her experiences there she says that she can't even conceive of 'Christian love,' since people have told that she personally killed Jesus and that she will burn in hell, etc. Of course, when those same anti-Semites need a doctor or a lawyer, who do you think they call?