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Friday, August 15, 2008

US Holocaust Museum Distorts Truth to go Politically Correct

NEVER FORGET! That is the purpose of EVERY Holocaust museum. Teach people the whole disgusting naked truth, and just maybe you can prevent something like this from ever happening again. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is supposed to be the nation’s leading educational institution on the Holocaust. This institution has found a way to "whitewash" the Shoah as it relates to the Arabs who participated in the "final solution. The museum has posted on its website a biography of the Holocaust-era Mufti of Jerusalem which calls the Mufti a "moderate voice for peace" when in actuality he spent most of the WWII in Berlin, working WITH Hitler:

U.S. Holocaust Museum Accused of Falsifying History of Nazi-Palestinian Alliance

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the nation’s leading educational institution on the Holocaust, has posted on its website a biography of the Holocaust- era Mufti of Jerusalem that distorts the historical record of the Holocaust.

The father of Palestinian nationalism, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Hussayni, was a terrorist and a Nazi collaborator, indicted at the Eichmann Trial. The Museum wrote a web biography which presents al-Hussayni as a moderate supporter of non-violence. Falsifying and omitting key facts from the historical record, including photographs of Hussayni conferring with Hitler, the Holocaust Museum attempts to exonerate him from well documented charges of Nazi collaboration. The Museum’s website states that his “controversial…relationship with Hitler’s government…has led some to label him a Nazi collaborator and war criminal….”

When the Museum blurs the line between facts and opinion, it opens the door to Holocaust denial. The Holocaust Museum’s standard for historical truth cannot be what “some” say, since some say there was no Holocaust. The Museum’s entire mission depends on disseminating the facts of the Holocaust. They have now joined deniers in attempting to whitewash parts of the historical record that they seem to find politically difficult. Changing history throws the Museum’s credibility into question. (Fact Sheet attached.)

The Mufti’s Lasting Legacy Ignored by Museum

There are direct historical links between the Nazis, the Final Solution, Husayni, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. The Museum’s policy is silence about current Muslim antisemitism. Now it has chosen to falsify these historical roots in the Mufti’s biography. Accordingly, it chose an academic well known for denying any link between Nazism and the current Islamic terror organizations to misrepresent the genocidal activities of the Mufti.

Conclusion: It is very serious when the Museum creates a false historical record.

The Museum website calls the Mufti a “moderate voice for peace” and states that his collaboration with Hitler was “inconclusive” and his work for the Nazis was “ineffective.”

· A British inquiry found Husayni responsible for the 1936-39 reign of terror against Jews and Arab moderates in Palestine. The violence led the British to close Palestine to Jews fleeing the Final Solution. The Mufti spent the war in Nazi Berlin working for Hitler.

· The Jerusalem court that tried Eichmann found in its Judgments, Part 50: “It has been proved to us that the Mufti, too, aimed at the implementation of the final solution, viz. the extermination of European Jewry.”

· The Mufti recruited 20,000 Muslims for the Handschar divisions of the Waffen SS that annihilated 90% of Bosnia’s Jews. Yugoslavia convicted him of war crimes. He fled to Egypt where he recruited fleeing Nazis and helped found modern Islamic terrorism through the Muslim Brotherhood and the PLO.

Contact: Carol Greenwald, Chairman, Holocaust Museum Watch.

Read more: Fact Sheet 1 | Fact Sheet 2 | Fact Sheet 3 | Executive Summary | Letter to Museum's Executive Director

In an 85,000 image library, the U.S. Holocaust Museum does not include this famous photograph of Husayni and Hitler, obtained from Yad Vashem. At this meetig, Hitler agreed to the Mufti’s request to extend the Final Solution to the Jews of the Middle East.

Reference: notes of the meeting are in Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, Series D, Vol. XIII, p. 881. available at the USHMM library)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EVERY Muslim holocaust is whitewashed. You never read about the 25-year-long (so far, and just this last round) genocide in the Sudan. History departments never tell you about the 270 million people killed in the name of Islam. You can take a class in 20th century European history but nobody will ever tell you about the Armenian genocide, the Muslim end of the Holocaust, about how 90% of the Bosnian Jews were killed off before the War, or about Kosovo. And you'll certainly never learn about those 3 million Bengalis who were killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Bengali women who were raped that year either, all by Pakistanis. And of course the history of the Crusades is not so much as whitewashed as it is distorted so as to paint Andalusian Spain as some sort of dhimmi paradise and every battle fought by those Christians as offensive, when they were all provoked and all for the purpose of regaining their own land. I've even been told by my Jewish friends how great the Sephardics had it under Muslim rule, when they were being slaughtered in streets, sold into sex slavery, and forced to live hand-to-mouth after their homes were stolen from them. Such is the level of indoctrination in our society.