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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BBC--> Broadcasting Bias Continually

Lets face it, its been so long since the once prestigious BBC, has given a truthful report about anything. But when it comes to the Middle East and the Muslim world the British news organization knows their news reports are filled with lies, half-truths and other nonsense, but it doesn't matter, since the BBC stands for Broadcasting Bias Continually.

When it comes to the Muslim world the BBC takes the "Dhimmi" point of view. Like the time the BBC-owned Arabic TV Channel announced that since all Israeli children can grow up to be soldiers, it is OK to kill them, even if you don't believe in killing civilians. Or its coverage of the Iraq war that was so biased, it was criticized by the Anti-War British Press.

Con Coughlin, Foreign Editor for the Daily Telegraph blasted the BBC for its lack of a balanced coverage:
This is the same BBC, don't forget, that spent years saying that Britain went to war over Saddam's WMD. Despite all the furor of the Hutton investigation - which disproved that particular canard and heaped the greatest humiliation on the BBC in its entire history - the BBC now says Britain went to war over Iraq's oil...

..We all like a good argument, but let's have one based on hard facts, not on assumptions and woolly-minded liberal thinking.
Over the past two months the BBC has accelerated its Biased Coverage:

BBC: Television for Dhimmis

by David J. Rusin

Downplaying the threat of Islamism while simultaneously disparaging Western culture is the stock in trade of countless media outlets, but few have pursued this task with such vigor as the BBC. Though its well-documented bias in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict serves as Exhibit A, the same worldview is expressed in the BBC's broad deference to Islam.

Islamist Watch highlighted two examples in 2008: comedian Ben Elton's assertion that "the BBC will let vicar gags pass but they would not let imam gags pass," along with a Christian party's protest that the network was censoring criticism of the London mega-mosque. Other cases from the IW archive include Hindus and Sikhs accusing the BBC of favoring Muslims and the head of the BBC arguing that Islam should be treated more sensitively than Christianity.

News items from May and June demonstrate that the broadcaster has only accelerated its descent into dhimmitude:
  • The BBC Trust has rejected complaints against a 2008 Bonekickers episode that, in the words of the Daily Mail, depicts a Christian extremist graphically "hacking off a moderate Muslim's head in an unprovoked attack." Telegraph columnist Damian Thompson writes, "Only a BBC drama series would, to quote the complainant, 'transfer the practice of terrorist beheadings from Islamist radicals to a fantasized group of fundamentalist Christians.'"
  • The BBC has apologized to the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and offered £30,000 in compensation after a panelist on its Question Timesuspended links with the MCB in March because one of the group's leaders, Daud Abdullah, had signed a statement endorsing such violence in defense of Gaza. program accused the organization of supporting attacks on UK troops. The most interesting aspect of this surrender is that the British government largely shares the guest's viewpoint: it
  • Most significantly, the BBC has appointed Aaqil Ahmed as its new chief of religious programming. Ahmed's Muslim faith is not a problem in itself, but his work in a similar post at Britain's Channel 4 raises concerns. First, the series Christianity: A History, which he shepherded into existence, has been criticized as a ridicule-filled "showcase of dumbed-down religion." Second, Ahmed oversaw the discussion show Shariah TV, which Muslim theologian Michael Mumisa once slammed as a "fatwa machine." In one episode, a Birmingham cleric says that "Islam allows a man to beat his wife"; in another, a Brixton cleric outlines the virtues of female genital mutilation.
To add insult to injury, British households with color TVs have the pleasure of paying £142.50 per year to subsidize the BBC's whitewashing of radical Islam and besmirching of Judeo-Christian civilization. However, one suspects that the ultimate cost to the UK will be far greater — and not quantifiable in pounds.

1 comment:

Carol_Herman said...


The Internet became the answer!

If you need another lesson? Those with the high paying jobs in the dying media have NOTHING to pass onto their children! They're the last of the Mohegans.

Where once whole families would be fed by "Broadway." Vaudeville. The stage. You name it. If you got in, you could hold the door open for someone else.

No one's gonna miss this crew when they're gone.

The laurels will rest on Monty Python. And, what had once been a venue for excellence in broadcasting! Sold so well, Americans saw this stuff way across the pond.