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Friday, August 21, 2009

America HATES Obamacare More than EVER

Yesterday the President blamed opposition to his health care plan to those evil Republicans who have been planning his demise since his election.  A new ABC News/Washington Post polls poll shows that the opposition comes not from an evil cabal but from the American People. In fact not only is there opposition to his plan but the more he "pushes it" the worse his personal approval gets.

Less than half of all  Americans, 45% support health reform  while 50 % are opposed. Only 36% of independents support the bill.The opposition is more passionate that those in favor, 40% of all Americans with many more "strongly" oppose Obamacare,  27% support it.

Support for a public option has fallen dramatically from 62% in June to 52% ; 46 percent are opposed, up 13 points. Support for the public option follows party lines , support ranges from three-quarters of Democrats to half of independents and 24 percent of Republicans. The drop in support, though, has occurred equally among independents and Republicans alike.

Two months ago 58% of Americans said reform was "necessary to control costs and expand coverage," today that number is down to 51%

Obama's approval rating for handling health care has fallen steadily from 57% in April to 46%, independents are moving away the fastest a 17-point slide since April. Expectations that he can successfully accomplish reform have dropped even further from 68% shortly before he took office to 49% now. Although congress shouldn't brag  because confidence in their abilities has fallen also.

Congress better watch out because more people say they'd be inclined to vote against a candidate who supported reform than to vote for one. By a margin of 32% to 23%  more Americans say they’d be inclined to vote against rather than for a congressional supporter of Obamacare.

Health Care is not the only issue showing an Obama decline. Americans disapprove of his handling of the deficit by a record 12-point margin, 53-41%

At his 100-day mark in April, 60 % of Americans expressed confidence in Obama "to make the right decisions for the country's future." Today, just past 200 days, it's 49 %

(see the entire Poll here)

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