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Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Jewish High Holidays, Personal Responsibility and Progressivism

With the setting of the sun this Wednesday night, Jews across the world will begin the observance of the Yomim Noraim (Days of Awe), a ten day period book-ended by the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This year's High Holiday period comes at an interesting time for America as the first night of Rosh Hashanah comes a mere fifty-four days before the United States goes to the polls to between two radically different directions, one which emphasizes personal responsibility, the other emphasizes a reliance on government. Only one of those directions is compatible with the true meaning of the High Holidays.
The popular view is the two holidays are observed by going to Synagogue saying a few prayers and begging God for forgiveness. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The High Holiday period is all about personal responsibility. All the prayers and readings are just tools to help us look inward and formulate a personal accounting of our deeds over the past year, good and bad, and to understand what we have learned, or need to learn to correct our deeds. As for forgiveness, we are taught that our maker is not like a big massive government who will fix everything. Think of him more like a bankruptcy judge who oversees the restitution we make to our creditors.  For earthly-type mistakes, we must approach the people we may have harmed for forgiveness and if necessary make restitution to them, then we must discover what within ourselves led us to err and correct them. Only then can we approach God for absolution.

It's not that God couldn't fix everything, but his direct involvement would destroy the delicate balance he set up during creation.

The creation narrative in Genesis explains that man is created in God's image.  The Torah is not teaching us that we are all dead ringers for the "big guy upstairs." If that was the case everyone's driver's license would have the same picture, the Sport's Illustrated Swimsuit Issue would seem a bit creepy, and no one would be able to solve crimes as eye witness testimony would be useless and everyone would have the same DNA.

"Created in God's image" is supposed to teach us that just as God acts as a free being, without prior restraint to do right and wrong, so does man. God does good deeds as a matter of his own free choice. Because we are created in his image, man does the right thing as a matter of free choice also. Only through free choice, can man truly be "in the image of God".  That is why God created a world where both good and evil can operate freely. The Rabbis explain this when they said, "All is in the hands of Heaven except the fear of Heaven" (Talmud, Berachot 33b). God controls all the options we have, but it is up to man to pick between the correct or incorrect option.

Free will is the divine version of limited government. God picks the winning direction, but does not pick winners and losers, nor does he interfere with the process of learning through repentance and understanding ones actions. We are not divinely perfect, nor are we meant to be. We are only supposed to be closer to that divineness when we leave this world, than when we entered it.

Because we all are created in God's image, Jews believe that  "All men are created equal," This does not mean, as many in the progressive establishment will tell you,  that when it comes to talents, looks, preferences, or natural abilities we are all equal. Nor does it mean we all should have the same big screen TV, wireless internet, or savings account balance. Jewish tradition respects economic success, so long, as it is obtained honestly, and proper respect is shown for the social responsibility that comes with it.  That social responsibility is a personal duty and a job for the community led by its religious leaders, but not for the government. The Hebrew word for charity, tzedaka, has in its root the word tzedek which means righteous, because we are taught that personally giving charity is one of the keys to righteousness.

What is actually meant by all men are created equal is we all have the same ability to be infinitely good or wicked, we all have the same ability to forge a relationship with God regardless of our intellectual capability, social background, physical strength, wealth, etc. During the high holidays, we evaluate how well we have used the "lot we have been given" for good deeds and to forging that heavenly relationship.

Some of the Sages have suggested that when God created the world, sparks of his holiness were spread across the earth. Every time that a person makes the choice of  performing a righteous act, one of those sparks is purified and sent back to heaven. Through that process we become closer to God.

A Liberal/Progressive government takes away that choice. They believe that if it was left up to the individual, they would do the wrong thing. Therefore government needs to take an omnipotent role and control our decisions. By taking away our free will and giving it to the government, liberals retard our spiritual development and remove our opportunity to get closer to God. In a progressive society, the ten "Days of Awe" are not necessary because the government makes our choices.

In a dictionary the word sin is defined as any act regarded as such a transgression, esp. a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle. There is no word in Hebrew matching that definition. Instead Jews talk about "Chet" missing the mark. It is an archery term referring to an arrow which "missed the target."  The person who missed the mark is considered to have made the mistake due to a lack of focus, concentration or skill.  Through personal reflection during the High Holidays Jews can determine why they missed the mark. The answer cannot be someone else made me. We are told to look for what is in ourselves that made us miss.

In the same vein the word for repentance is "Teshuvah" which means return. In other words we have returned to the correct path to once again hit the target. Repentance implies simply feeling bad for what you have done; Teshuvah involves changing what it is inside you that led you to go off course. And, as the Rabbis tell us, the only way to do that is personal reflection.  God may give us a road-map in the Torah, Prophets, Psalms and other sacred texts, but to truly change ourselves and ultimately to truly change the world, we have to discover for ourselves the best way to read the road map.

In its purest essence the Jewish High Holiday period is the antithesis of the various forms of Liberal and Progressive government. We learn from those "Ten Days of Awe" that we must be honest with ourselves and rely on our own introspection to find the right path. We learn that while God may be evaluating the path we take and how we correct the times we've missed the mark; he gives us the free will to find the right way.

Progressive and Liberal governments take that free will away from you, they determine the path, eliminate the need for introspection and your opportunity to find those sparks of God in the world.  In the end what those governments take from its citizens is the greatest joy of all, finding a path that will draw one closer to God.

To all my friends both Jew and Gentile,
Le-shana tova Tikatevu ve-Techatemu
May God Write And Seal You In The Book Of Life For A Good Year.



Juniper in the Desert said...

Wonderful piece, thank you so much! It has clarified these things for me!

Xenaclone said...

Amen, brother. However, if I may, a quote from the Quakers:-

We are not saints,

We are not cranks,

We are not different ...

Except that we believe

That God's light is in us all,

Waiting to be discovered.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeff, God's purpose of putting us on this Earth is to create Sons of God of those that want to be Sons of God. It is our choice.

GM Roper said...

Thanks Jeff, you've made my day.