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Monday, February 6, 2012

Rev Al's Loony Support Of Obama's Anti-Catholic Healthcare Policy

Friend of Obama, professional Bigot and MSNBC talking head the "Reverend" Al Sharpton was on MSNBC's Morning Joe today to defend the President's policy forcing Catholic organizations to pay for Contraception, morning after abortion pills and other procedures banned by the Catholic Church.  His twisted rationale was that this rule needs to be forced upon religious groups to maintain the separation of church and state outlined in the constitution.
Joe Scarborough: Rev. Sharpton, a lot of people are going to focus on the abortion side of this and on the contraception and the sterilization. Those specific issues, but this is a much larger issue for clergy, for members of the church who have to be wondering if the federal government can do this to the Catholic Church, can they not do this to any church?

Rev. Al Sharpton: No, I think you have to have the reverse argument, and that is if I want to seek employment and have employment in a church but that I disagree with the dogma and theology of the church, do I have the right to be protected by law? And I think that what the Obama administration is saying that you do not have to follow the tenets of a church organization to be an employee of a church.

Scarborough: Do you think this is a good decision?

Sharpton: If we are going to have a separation of church and state, we’re going to have a separation of church and state. Whether I would personally agree with the decision or not, the question is do I have a right to make that law?
Sharpton argued that but the people who work for these arguments should be able to disagree with the theology of these groups...and Scarborough countered with
Scarborough: If you are offended by the theology of the Catholic church, then do not work for Catholic institutions
(if you cannot see video below-please click here)

First of all the constitution does not guarantee a separation of church and state, it guarantees freedom of religion and worship.  It is not designed to protect government from the influence of religion, but religion from the bully tactics of the government.

For a change Mika and Joe have it right and the Racist Reverend sits in his normal place (the "stupid box") as he argues in favor of an unconstitutional Barack Obama infringement on religion.
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Dan Collins said...

Wonder how many abortion opponents are employed in Planned Parenthood, how many Right to Work advocates in unions, how many constitutional conservatives in Eric Holder's non-partisan Voters Section.

Juniper in the Desert said...

Al Sharpton is an inciter to murder Jews!!

Larry Sheldon said...

First of all the constitution does not guarantee a separation of church and state, it guarantees freedom of religion and worship. It is not designed to protect government from the influence of religion, but religion from the bully tactics of the government.

Well said. Very well said. And I do note where I read it.

(And I do wish I could help in the current funding crisis, but the little bit I sent just before the crash is all I have at the moment. I'll try to do better soon.)

Larry Sheldon said...

Been thinking about this some more...and I disagree with myself I bit.

IANAL, but...

The Constitution does not guarantee a separation of church and state.

It does not guarantee a freedom of religion and worship.

In this regard, it does not guarantee anything (the general thread of th4e whole document).

If forbids Congress to make any law regarding religion.

Which IS in keeping with the document up until 1900 or so--it forbids (or limits, if you rather) what the Federal Government (which used to be Congress) can legally do.