Other news items covered in the latest installment of Newsbusted the twice- weekly faux news feature from Newsbusters.org (embedded below) include; Chris Matthews and MSNBC's low ratings; the Midterm elections; Bruce Jenner; and much, much more.
Please make sure you watch the video below because something bad always happens to the people who don't. Last week Jeanne Shaheen forgot to press play and yesterday she had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Debate. So if you don't want your campaign to fall apart you better press play.
Oh and if you cannot see the video player below please click here
Yet amazingly it's still twice the price it should be. That's called oil company greed
Yet somehow oil company 'greed' is only 4 cents a gallon but government greed in CA is over a dollar a gallon, 83 cents in NY. "Greed for power is still greed." T. Sowell I think you need to look up truth in a dictionary.
Aww, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had trouble reading but could right to running that smart, ignorant mouth. Yeah, keep thinking they only get four cents on the gallon yet somehow they make billions in profits and all staff are rich. All the investors are not getting any part of the gov'ts taxes, trust me, so try again where that money comes from. It would seem you need to look up truth in the dictionary as you clearly do not know it's meaning. I'll await your poorly attempted petulant attempt at a rebuttal.
You obviously have trouble keeping current. CA just passed a 50 cent surcharge. You forgot Fed Excise tax. Billions of profit for sure on billions of investment. ROI for oil companies is below many other industries so unless you have an aversion to big numbers it appears you have a problem with oil company employees making more than you do. How long have you had this problem with coveting? Your educational efforts are as total useless as the education you received, barely worth the elections you expended.
You obviously just make up things, claim them as fact and think nobody knows better. Did you have trouble reading m y post since it was over a first grade level? No, I mentioned Fed Excise tax but apparently you can't do basic mathematics. Or is it you're just some dimwitted, ignorant troll supporting the oil companies? That seems to be the case.And as typical when some moron has their ass handed to them in an argument and can't refute facts they start deflecting, driveling nonsense and incessant prevarications peppered with petulant attempts at insults. I know you hate facts but that's just how it is. Again, you're welcome for the education simpleton. (It's clear you need it since apparently you did not go far in school with the inability to understand basic concepts and elementary mathematics. You can still get educated and your GED though)
Truth without facts. You are unique, or does everyone have their own truth, regardless of reality. Anything short of $4 a gallon makes gasoline cheap when adjusted for inflation. Oil is removed from the ground from a like underground, refined, transported across half the country and is currently $3.33 a gal. Milk goes from the farm down the street to the store on the corner and costs more. And guess which gets the big subsidies. Hint, its not oil. Are you going to rail against big farm next?
LOL Are you some teenage kid or just that ignorant? "Anything short of $4 a gallon makes gasoline cheap when adjusted for inflation" No, it doesn't, leftard. I notice you deflect, bloviate and drivel incessantly when your "facts" are shown to be fabrications and just outright made up lies. I have stated facts and even where they came from. You, on the other hand, have done nothing other than remove all doubt as to your ignorance. Back when the hurricane was the excuse to raise gas prices to drastically they failed to leave out that the refineries were up and running 100% within a couple of weeks. It was just an excuse for greed, welcome to reality. How many years ago was that? Funny how only greed can be the reason since amazingly gas prices doubled since odumber, apparently your hero, took office. See previous post, accept that facts and that you were shown up, lost the banter and accept the free education given that you so greatly needed. You would have been better off not saying anything bcz all you've done is show you know nothing about the subject. I'll await your next post of bloviating stupidity bcz I know you'll do another one.
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