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Monday, June 9, 2014

The Top Seven Lies Global Warming Alarmists Tell About Their Theory

According to the proponents of the theory, global warming is settled science. Much of the time they point to certain "facts" and use them to scare us, they tell us we must "believe," and that we are all going to die very soon if we don't kill the economy ASAP.   Below are seven of those so called important "facts"  (one for every day of the week) that these global warming enthusiasts are pushing on the American people, that just so happen to be lies:

1) 97% of Scientists Agree: The 97% figure is a misquote of a flawed study. The study people use to come up with the 97%, "Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature" by John Cook, and friends, First of all the real result was 97% of the scientific papers which had an opinion one way or the other believed in global warming. A more extensive examination of the Cook study reported that out of the nearly 12,000 scientific papers Cook’s team evaluated, only 65 endorsed Cook’s alarmist position. That's about 0.5%. Other analysis demonstrates that some of the studies which disagreed with the global warming theory was mislabeled and 35% of the authors who took no position were left out of the final survey results altogether.
2) The Polar Ice caps are melting at record levels. Put away the SCUBA gear the world's coastlines are NOT going to be under any time soon. Antarctic sea ice has set a new record for May, with extent at the highest level since measurements began in 1979. At the end of the month, it expanded to 12.965 million sq km, beating the previous record of 12.722 million sq km set in 2010. This year’s figure is 10.3% above the 1981-2010 climatological average of 11.749 million sq km. Arctic Ice had been lower than average but the total of the two has shown sea ice higher than normal. Even the Arctic sea ice is improving. Meteorologist Joe Bastardi reports For the first time in over a decade, the Arctic sea ice anomaly in the summer is forecast to be near or above normal for a time! While it has approached the normals at the end of the winter season a couple of times because of new ice growth, this signals something completely different – that multiyear growth means business – and it shows the theory on the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) is likely to be on target. Once it flips, this red herring of climate panic will be gone. Global and Southern Hemisphere anomalies are already unmentionable since the former is well above normal and the latter is routinely busting daily records.

3) The Earth is Warming-In August 1996; the Atlanta Olympic ended; Netscape 3.0 was introduced to the internet; Bob Dole picked Jack Kemp as his Republican VP running mate; and the earth showed warming for the last time.  According too RSS satellite data, the global warming trend in the 17 years 9 years since September 1996 is zero. The 213 months without global warming represent more than half the 425-month satellite data record since January 1979.

 4) Global Warming is causing extreme weather-Even the UN's IPCC , acknowledged by global warming believers as the best climate change authority, rejects this whopper
...In its [IPCC] newly released Fifth Assessment Report, the panel backed away from connections between current droughts and climate change. As it noted: “Based on updated studies, AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in drought since the 1970s were probably overstated,” and “there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century.” The report states that “it is likely that the frequency and intensity of drought has … decreased in central North America and north-west Australia since 1950.

The new report delivers a similar verdict for other sorts of extreme weather: “There is low confidence in any long term increases in tropical cyclone activity … and low confidence in attributing global changes to any particular cause.” Any increased hurricane damages “have not been conclusively attributed to anthropogenic climate change; most such claims are not based on scientific attribution methods.” There is “low confidence” for trends on tornadoes, and “the evidence for climate driven changes in river floods is not compelling.
A study published in the July 2012 Journal of the American Meteorological Society concluded unequivocally there is no trend of stronger or more frequent storms which makes sense since there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

5) Global Warming is Causing Asthma. The warming alarmists complain (when it helps their case) that skeptics confuse climate and weather. Here is a case where the alarmists are confusing pollution with climate. Dirty air limited to a small geographic area (like the smog in LA) is not climate change. Nor does it require the same solutions.

6) CO2 causes global warming- Maybe Mother Nature is computer-phobic, it works in all their computer models but it is not working in real life. Today CO2 levels in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in recent history, certainly higher than any time since the industrial revolution, but there hasn't been warming in almost 18 years. During the medieval warming period 800-1400 C.E. it was hotter than it is today and CO2 levels were much lower than they are today.

7) The Hockey Stick: The term "hockey stick" was coined by the head of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Jerry Mahlman, to describe the pattern of historical temperatures in the northern hemisphere (it kind of looks like a hockey stick on its side). The chart, created by Dr. Michael Mann (now at Penn State University) shows relatively stable temperatures until around 100 year ago when we see a spike up. It is one of the key pieces of information used to prove that global warming is about to destroy the world.
The  Chart became the center of the IPCC's argument that man-made global warming was real, even though (as memos released as part of the Climategate scandal revealed)  the CRU at the University of East Anglia , had serious problems with the Hockey Stick chart, but it was pushed through by the chart's creator Dr. Mann.

...there were two competing graphs – Mann's hockey stick and another, by Jones, Briffa and others. Mann's graph was clearly the more compelling image of man-made climate change. The other "dilutes the message rather significantly," said Folland. "We want the truth. Mike [Mann] thinks it lies nearer his result." Folland noted that "this is probably the most important issue to resolve in chapter 2 at present.
Briffa believed that the world's temperature heated up about 1,000 years ago (the Medieval Period) as much as they seemed to in the 1990s, and was upset that Mann's chart did not reflect that climate change. Even the co-creator of Mann's paper on the hockey stick began to walk way from it. That missing warming trend from 1,000 years ago has been criticized from many directions.

Another revelation of climate-gate was the tree samples were "cherry-picked to skew the study.  The famous Hockey stick is fudged. The scientists substituted a different kind of tree, who's rings would not show a medieval warming spell with temperatures much hotter than today. And it may be the cherry-picking of one kind of Siberian tree that Phil Jones of the CRU may have meant in the email which he talked about using Dr. Mann's "trick" to adjust the data

There you piece of global warming nonsense for each day of the week.  If that is not enough for you the list below reflects problems the global warming alarmists have blamed on global warming.  Feel free to click on any of the links below and enjoy the nonsensical scare tactic.

The Arab spring,Incredible shrinking sheep, Invasion of jellyfish in the Mediterranean, Surge in fatal shark attack, Boy Scout tornado deaths, Global conflict, Beer tasting different, Suicide of farmers in Australia, Bigger tuna fish, longer days, shorter days, Collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden, Cow infertility, UFO sightings in the UK, Rise in insurance premiums, Heroin addiction, Frigid Cold Winters in Great Britain, Cancer, Death from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, respiratory disease and even accidents, homicide, suicide, water -borne disease outbreaks, heavier, wetter snowstorms treacherous for travel and ambulation, Lyme disease, swarms of allergy-inducing, stinging insects, along with mosquitoes and devastating pine bark beetle infestations and the spread of forest and crop pests, 40,000 dead crabs , unrest in the Middle East. screwed-up love making, the Japanese earthquake-tsunami, horrible rash of tornadoes in southeast United States,extended severe allergy seasons, Lyme disease, malaria or dengue fever, trauma, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease,and increased threat of wars, violence and military action against the UK. migration of possibly rabid Vampire bats from Mexico, Armed robbery, prostitution, and drug abuse in Ghana,  will make you go nuts


Unknown said...

Spot on!!

Unknown said...

And you didn't even mention the raw data alterations that are done by NOAA and NASA on the actually Temperature data. Not only is the data 'altered' - it gets altered constantly! in the 80's the 90's the 2000's and now again afterward.

The alterations have 'systematically' cooled the past, and heated the current climate - so that the current warming trend looks even worse.

Unknown said...

This should be required reading for every member of the Chicken Little Cult. The problem is, none of them will believe it.

Unknown said...

There is also the "urban heat island" factor of most temperature stations -- the fact that weather-guessers don't like to traipse out to the middle of nowhere to get their readings, so they put the weather stations in high traffic areas (city hall, local and regional airports, on top of tall buildings). This dramatically skewed the temperature readings much higher than the temps out in the hinterlands, or far out to sea. Once we started getting satellite readings, lo and behold!, the temperature curve flattened out almost overnight...

Unknown said...

The character evidence of the people involved, e.g., their refusal to debate; to hide and protect their "findings," and to demonized and censure disagreement should make it obvious that this is a fraud and a hoax and nothing more.

Unknown said...

Fix your typos. Trivial, I know, but failing to do so will arm, weakly, those that disagree with you. Otherwise, great post.

Unknown said...

Without this devious altering there would be essentially nothing happening temperature-wise to sound the alarm.

Unknown said...

There are more than a few notable warmists who have reconsidered (read: admitted to being wrong) their positions. I do not know of any prominent "denier" who has changed their mind.

Unknown said...

You are right - none will believe it. We are talking about the central theorem for the green religion. Instead they will point to a study that states the antartic COULD melt in 160,000 years and the oceans will rise 100's of feet...etc. Cook's phony "consesus" argument is the one that they hold on to and refuse tio believe it was fraudulant.

Unknown said...

#6 is slightly wrong. The amount of CO2 in the air is not higher than ever. It can possibly be said - higher than any point in a quarter million years. 65 million years ago when dinosaurs ruled the earth we had 5x the CO2 without chasing the earth to die.

Unknown said...

Then wouldn't that be expected based on the above, and the first part of your comment?

Unknown said...

CO2 levels are not "higher than ever." They are the highest they have been in the past 600,000 years, which is a very short time considering the earth is 4,600,000,000 years old.

Unknown said...

So how are all those droughts and forest fires working out for you guys?

Unknown said...

I don't know because even the IPCC says it has nothing to do with climate change. So Stop being a lemming and do some of your own research and thinking.

Unknown said...

Ahhh, so you trust the IPCC when it suits you...

Every country is being ravaged by Climate Change and its not even supposed to be starting for another 50 years. The IPCC is designed to underestimate how quickly the Climate will change. That's why the Denier comments on this site are so funny.

Unknown said...

wow, another climate dunce spew populist tripe. boring.

Science fact: there is a once in 50 years confluence of the PDO, AMO, and ENSO driving northern hemisphere weather/climate at the moment, not CO2 or any other Satanic Gas.

Unknown said...

another bit of misdirection is "since the beginning of the Industrial Age." That's about 1850 or so. That's also the end of the Little Ice Age. So let's see.... an ice age ends and the temperatures rise. Hmmmmm, how unusual - NOT!

I truly tire of the climate buffoons that keep regurgitating the nonsense and outright lies of the Agenda 21 crowd.

Unknown said...

Climate change is just another scare !!!! Oh we must submit to our Great Leader so we may be saved...

Unknown said...

Yes, the scientists are all wrong and only Chuck can set them straight. I can't wait to attend Chuck University to get a degree in Conspiracy Theory...

Unknown said...

Just watch The Great Global Warming Swindle (Martin Durkin).

Unknown said...

The truth of the matter is very simple:

CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.9% of all "global warming." CO2 does only 0.1% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased to make his "hockey stick" was several degrees warmer than anything "global warmers" fear. It was the longest time, 500 years, of peace with great abundance for all.

Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 increases follow temperature increases by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. That means temperature change is cause and CO2 change effect; not the other way around. This alone refutes the anthropogenic global warming concept.

Methane is called "a greenhouse gas 20 to 500 times more potent than CO2," depending on who is raving, but it is not per the on-line absorption chart at the American Meteorological Society. It has an absorption profile very similar to nitrogen which is classified "transparent" to IR, heat waves and is only present to 18 ppm. "Green vegans" blame cow flatulence for global warming in their war against eating meat.

Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

Most scientists and science educators work for tax supported institutions. They are eager to help government raise more money for them and they love being seen as "saving the planet."

Google "Two Minute Conservative," and you will be applauded when you speak truth at your next dinner party, barbecue or church picnic.

Unknown said...

You didn't even read the article first, did you? Typical of the climate change nuts.

Unknown said...

The earth has always had droughts, it is called weather patterns.

Unknown said...

Obama and the left wing idiots are so freakin embarrassing, Global Warming does not exist, but Obama believes that something that does not exist is the biggest threat known to man. LMAO! Why is this tard the president of anything, let alone the greatest nation on earth? Obama is a lying fool!

Unknown said...

OK then, how are the new weather patterns working out for you? I love the sound of denial...

Unknown said...

Crickets crickets, the Ice age was caused by man? Weather is not controlled or caused by man, moron!!